Rockport Begins the Long Road to Recovery from Hurricane Harvey

Scientology Volunteer Ministers disaster response team in Rockport, Texas, reports on the devastation and the help still needed.

Churches of Scientology Respond to Hurricane Harvey

Scientology Volunteer Ministers international headquarters calls for hundreds of volunteers to join Hurricane Harvey disaster response. First teams are assembled and deployed.

She Had To Do Something To Help

Seeing the images of those left stranded by Hurricane Harvey, a Dallas resident set out to find what she could do. Michelle, a Scientologist and Volunteer Minister from Dallas, had enough. Following #Harvey on Twitter, she wasn’t going to let another day go by without doing something about it.

On the Ground in Houston—One Volunteer Minister’s First Day

Los Angeles Volunteer Minister’s first day providing relief for victims of Hurricane Harvey On Saturday, August 26, Jim, a Scientologist from Los Angeles, saw a Volunteer Ministers’ tent near his Church on L. Ron Hubbard Way.

Volunteer Ministers Rush to the Aid of Earthquake Victims in Central Italy

In keeping with tradition, Volunteer Ministers bolted to the front lines to lend a hand to those suffering in Italy.

Volunteer Ministers Rush to Louisiana to Save Citizens and Property from Devastating Floods

August’s deluge dumped more than twice the water on Baton Rouge as Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Scientology Volunteer Ministers rushed to the scene to help, and have been working there ever since.

Bangladesh’s First Bona Fide VM Accomplishes Miracles with Scientology

A knowledge thirsty and determined twenty-six-year-old found Volunteer Minister online courses in 2012, and the rest is history.

Volunteer Minister Receives White House Award

LA County Interfaith Clergy Coalition and its lead VM are formally acknowledged.

Volunteer Ministers Deliver Priceless Aid in Ecuador after disaster strikes

After Ecuador’s devastating earthquake, Volunteer Ministers brought their unique brand of help—alleviating both physical and spiritual pains—to more than 160,000.

127 South African Pastors Complete Volunteer Minister Training Program

Following an extensive training program covering each of the 19 Volunteer Minister courses, 127 pastors on the outskirts of Johannesburg celebrate their newfound knowledge in a moving graduation ceremony.

Joava Good: Hooked on Helping for 40 Years

How one devoted Volunteer Minister—and Deputy Director of Churches of Scientology Disaster Response—first got her start and all she’s done since.

Life is More Fun After First Volunteer Minister Online Course

Information Technology professional Larry Mervin from Utah, USA just completed the Solutions for a Dangerous Environment Course.

Celebrating 40 Years of Indiscriminate Help in the Worst of Times

Volunteer Ministers from 120 nations have responded to more than 200 disasters over the last four decades, showing millions that something can be done about it.

Volunteer Ministers on the Move Help Millions Across the Globe

Traveling more than 5 million miles, Volunteer Ministers have made their way through the largest city centers and some of the world’s most remote villages to deliver knowledge and effective tools from their signature yellow tents.